
Monthly Free Site Credit (August)

Competition ID 29960
How to enter:
  1. Select the correct answer to the question
  2. Select the number of tickets you want
  3. Wait for the live draw on Facebook
  4. Enjoy your prize😊
Competition time expired.

The draw will take place on the 31/08/23 @ 10pm on our Facebook page, Youtube page and our Twitter using a live feed with the google random number generator to select the winner/s.

For Free Entry method check here

  • Prize Details
  • Prize Details

    August Edition

    Just a chance to win site credit for free every month, for supporting the site 👍

    Amount of Site Credit depends on the number of entries, for every 500 people that enter there is £10 Site Credit up for Grabs.

    1 Entry per person


    Best of Luck Everyone!!


  • Competition Details
  • By entering this competition, you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions.

    Please ensure that you have selected the correct answer to the multiple choice question or you will be charged and won’t receive entry to the competition.

    The maximum number of entries for this competition is 500

    Please note that the manufacturers involved in the competition do not endorse this competition and are in no way associated with Dreams4less.

  • Entry List
  • See all the names and numbers below,  Entries that have got the question incorrect are highlighted in orange, and will not be eligible to win the prize.  The number is not available to be used again.

    Name Ticket Number
    D. Burke 42
    T. Crisp 44
    S. Doherty 72
    M. byrne 87
    C. Dykes 93
    T. Haughey 98
    C. Mogan 109
    S. Heraty 128
    R. Callaghan 149
    Z. Tahy 198
    D. Hanrahan 216
    B. Kennedy 230
    E. Feely 282
    D. Kellie 291
    L. Edgar 422
    P. Mc 453
    V. Rolston 461
    S. Heraty 476
    J. Ford 485