
€500 for £4.95 No.7

Competition ID 24325
How to enter:
  1. Select the correct answer to the question
  2. Select the number of tickets you want
  3. Wait for the live draw on Facebook
  4. Enjoy your prize😊
Competition time expired.

The draw will take place on our Facebook page using a live feed with the google random number generator to select the winner/s.

For Free Entry method check here

  • Prize Details
  • Prize Details

    Simply have a chance to win €500 Cash for £4.95 No.7

    Tickets as low as £1.99 with multiple purchased!!

  • Competition Details
  • By entering this competition, you have confirmed that you have read and agreed to our Terms and Conditions.

    Please ensure that you have selected the correct answer to the multiple choice question or you will be charged and won’t receive entry to the competition.

    The maximum number of entries for this competition is 499

    Please note that the manufacturers involved in the competition do not endorse this competition and are in no way associated with Dreams4less.

  • Entry List
  • See all the names and numbers below,  Entries that have got the question incorrect are highlighted in orange, and will not be eligible to win the prize.  The number is not available to be used again.

    Name Ticket Number
    K. Bonner 4
    S. Maloney 5
    D. Bonner 10
    C. Mc 12
    D. Burke 15
    M. Breslin 19
    A. Murphy 27
    C. Bennett 32
    D. Ward 33
    M. Barrett 35
    C. Mc 36
    M. Bennett 39
    J. Mogan 41
    G. Curran 47
    C. Mcgill 52
    A. Murphy 59
    S. Hegarty 66
    H. Gerard 69
    C. Campbell 71
    S. McMullan 72
    S. Coughlan 81
    M. Cunningham 85
    M. Gallagher 86
    M. Bennett 88
    A. Cassidy 89
    M. Bennett 98
    J. Maloney 99
    A. Cassidy 101
    S. McNamara 103
    M. Craig 106
    L. Gallagher 107
    B. Kennedy 109
    J. Maloney 113
    L. O 119
    M. Gallagher 122
    K. Bonner 123
    A. Murphy 124
    Y. Doherty 125
    M. Breslin 126
    L. Gallagher 130
    P. McGinley 136
    L. Gallagher 137
    S. Doherty 139
    B. Kennedy 148
    M. Breslin 150
    T. McGill 151
    M. Barrett 154
    M. Breslin 156
    D. Ward 161
    D. Ward 163
    D. Keeney 165
    Y. Doherty 176
    D. Burke 179
    K. Bonner 183
    C. Maloney 188
    C. McGettigan 193
    S. McMullan 195
    S. maloney 201
    R. Carr 202
    J. Mogan 203
    B. Kennedy 211
    L. Gallagher 212
    J. Maloney 213
    P. Maguire 218
    a. glusankovaite 227
    C. Maloney 229
    S. Doherty 230
    D. Bonner 232
    S. McNamara 237
    S. maloney 242
    S. Coughlan 246
    S. McCusker 255
    C. Mcgill 256
    S. McMullan 271
    A. Murphy 273
    L. Frame 276
    M. Breslin 280
    M. Breslin 286
    C. Maloney 292
    Y. Doherty 296
    L. O 300
    K. Bonner 301
    M. Breslin 302
    C. McCusker 303
    M. Bennett 311
    S. Doherty 312
    M. Breslin 313
    C. Campbell 324
    a. herron 326
    a. glusankovaite 332
    M. Bennett 334
    M. Breslin 346
    K. Bonner 347
    A. Murphy 350
    a. glusankovaite 359
    F. Hennigan 369
    C. Mcgill 375
    H. Gerard 377
    K. Bonner 378
    A. Cassidy 380
    S. Maloney 386
    C. Bennett 387
    G. Mcglynn 397
    D. Bonner 402
    S. Maloney 416
    a. herron 417
    B. Kennedy 418
    L. Gallagher 421
    H. Gerard 424
    D. Burke 425
    L. Kilpatrick 432
    T. Whelan 435
    J. Mogan 437
    S. McCusker 440
    M. Bennett 442
    S. McCusker 444
    C. Lyons 447
    D. McGlynn 448
    C. Bennett 451
    L. Gallagher 452
    L. Frame 453
    a. herron 458
    L. Frame 459
    N. Maguire 463
    I. McShane 480
    C. Furey 483
    S. McCusker 497
    M. Barrett 498
    M. Breslin 499